Become a patron of On Your Doorstep Magazine
On Your Doorstep Magazine's purpose in life is to inspire people to protect nature by showing how incredibly beautiful it is, no matter where you are. The artists in its pages celebrate Mother Earth showcasing everything from the smallest closeup of a leaf to majestic, breathtaking grand vistas.
We show artworks of all genres, and we include artists regardless of whether we represent them. These artists generously give their work for free, as does everyone involved in the magazine's production, so that we can distribute the magazine for free to anyone who wants to be inspired.
It costs money to put a magazine like On Your Doorstep together. Karen and Mick Thurman have carried these costs themselves so far but if the magazine is to continue to evolve, it needs investment. We're loath to take in advertising so we're asking our readers to be join the tribe building On Your Doorstep the magazine, and the movement. Just $5 a month makes a difference (although you can always give more).
Red Kites, Mick Thurman, 2016