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Nicola moody

Having completed an MA in Contemporary Textile in 2016 Nicola has been able to establish herself as a Textile Artist.

Walking in the countryside is a fundamental part of her practice. Her chosen medium is textiles and increasingly this has become the specific disciplines of weaving and freehand machine embroidery. What she creates often references the experience of moving in the landscape, but also speaks of the materials that she works with and comes to know through the physical act of making. Nicola enjoys altering preexistent cloth using embroidery to imbued and embellish the surface with thread or creating a surface through weaving.

Weaving has a legacy. It consists of vital elements; warp and weft, they have to work together. Nicola works within this basic structure but at the same time considers the impact of making alterations to generate one- off pieces. She enjoys the preparation and the intimacy that is inevitable as every piece of yarn is touched and positioned, and the intuition that is necessary to create cloth. This slow process allows for an alternative way of making and thinking to that of much modern technology. It is within the act of making and the choices made that relate to scale, materials and techniques that she seeks to express elements of the journey that have become more dominant.

In addition to selling and exhibiting her work, Nicola has worked as an artist in residence, produced one off commissions for individual clients and has an established practice as an art educator